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Embracing Slow Fashion: A Commitment to Sustainable & Ethical Choices.

A Greener Future

Here at Wide Awake, we are committed to playing a vital role in revolutionizing the world of fashion. In a world driven by trends that change as quickly as the seasons, the fashion industry plays a significant role in shaping our choices. However, the impact of fast fashion on the planet cannot be overlooked. As conscientious consumers, it’s essential to understand the repercussions of our fashion choices and embrace sustainable and ethical alternatives. In this blog post, we explore the reasons why we choose sustainability every time, the environmental consequences of fast fashion, and the importance of supporting the slow fashion movement. We are proud to be a part of the change, and we thank you for choosing to be too. 

Why Choose Sustainability:

  1. Environmental Impact: The fashion industry is notorious for its environmental footprint, from water pollution to excessive waste. By choosing sustainable fashion, we aim to minimize these negative effects and contribute to a healthier planet.

  2. Ethical Practices: Sustainable fashion promotes fair labour practices and prioritizes the well-being of workers in the production chain. From garment workers to artisans, choosing sustainable brands ensures that individuals are treated ethically and paid fairly for their contributions. 

  3. Circular Economy: Sustainable fashion often embraces the concept of a circular economy, where products are designed to be reused, recycled, or repurposed. This approach reduces waste and fosters a more sustainable and resource-efficient industry.

The Impact of Fast Fashion:

  1. Environmental Degradation: Fast fashion is synonymous with overconsumption, leading to excessive resource extraction and environmental degradation. From water-intensive cotton cultivation to chemical-laden textile production, the environmental toll is substantial.

  2. Disposable Culture: The fast fashion model encourages a disposable culture where clothing is discarded after only a few wears. This results in an alarming amount of textile waste, much of which ends up in landfills, contributing to pollution and resource depletion.

  3. Exploitative Labour Practices: In the race to produce inexpensive garments quickly, many fast fashion brands engage in exploitative labour practices. Workers endure low wages, unsafe working conditions, and long hours, perpetuating an unsustainable and unethical cycle.

Supporting Slow Fashion:

  1. Quality Over Quantity: Slow fashion encourages a shift towards quality over quantity. Investing in well-made, timeless pieces not only reduces the frequency of purchases but also promotes a more sustainable and enduring wardrobe.

  2. Mindful Consumption: By supporting slow fashion, we become more mindful consumers. Understanding the origin and production process of our clothing allows us to make informed choices that align with our values.

  3. Local and Artisanal: Slow fashion often emphasizes local production and supports artisanal craftsmanship. This not only boosts local economies but also ensures that clothing is created with care, attention to detail, and a commitment to ethical practices.

We believe that fashion should not be at the expense of our beautiful planet. We encourage you to make compassionate choices, even if that means the price tag is slightly higher. Which in turn gives you a longer lasting, better quality garment which we know you’ll be raving mad about.  We have chosen to adopt sustainable and ethical practices through and through. We work with suppliers who adhere to this and match our brand culture. Our products are all sustainable, ethical, and vegan-friendly. We use organic cotton and recycled materials only, our packaging is 100% plastic-free, 100% paper, 100% recyclable, 100% compostable. Now that’s something to be proud of! Wide Awake is green, and we encourage you to join us on our mission.

In today’s climate, our choices have far-reaching consequences, and embracing sustainable and ethical fashion is a step towards a more responsible and compassionate future. By understanding the impact of fast fashion and supporting the principles of slow fashion, we can contribute to a more sustainable industry that values the planet and its inhabitants. Let’s make conscious choices that empower us and leave a positive legacy for generations to come. Looking good does not have to be at the detriment of others and this beautiful place we call home. 

Thanks for being here. 

The Wide Awake Team.

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